Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016


1.    SIFAT
Kata “sifat” (traits) dalam istilah psikologi, berarti ciri-ciri tingkah laku yang tetap pada seseorang, seperti : Si Burhan pemarah;  Si Botak pembohong/pendusta; Si Aminah penangis, dan lain-lain. Akan tetapi perlu diingatkan disini, bahwa untuk mengetahui/ menentukan adanya sifat-sifat tertentu pada seseorang adalah tidak mudah. Untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat orang yang sebenarnya: memerlukan waktu dan proses pergaulan yang lama, di samping pengetahuan psikologi sebagai dasarnya. Tergesa-gesa menyangkal adanya sifat-sifat tertentu pada seseorang adalah suatu perbuatan yang ceroboh dan seringkali menimbulkan salah terka (Ngalim, 2007: 142).

2.    WATAK
Watak  mengandung pengertian strukur batin manusia yang tampak pada tingkah laku dan perbuatannya, yang tertentu dan tetap. Ia merupakan ciri khas pribadi orang yang bersangkutan.
I.R. Poedjawijatna mengemukakan bahwa watak atau karakter ialah seluruh aku yang ternyata dalam tindakannya terlibat dalam situasi , jadi memang di bawah pengaruh dari pihak bakat, temperamen, keadaan tubuh, dan lain sebagainya (Poedjawijatna, 1970: 129)
Watak dapat dipengaruhi dan dididik, tetapi pendidikan watak itu tetap merupakan pendidikan yang amat individual dan bergantung pada kehendak bebas dari orang yang dididiknya. Watak pun diartikan sebagai struktur batin manusia yang nampak dalam tindakan tertentu dan tetap baik tindakan itu baik maupun buruk. Lebih dari temperamen yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh kontitusi tubuh dan pembawaannya lainnya maka watak atau karakter lebih dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lingkungan, seperti pengalaman, pendidikan, intelijensi, dan kemauan.

Karakter adalah sebagai penggambaran tingkah laku dengan menonjolkan nilai (benar-salah, baik-buruk) baik secara eksplisit maupun implisit. Karakter berbeda dengan kepribadian kerena pengertian kepribadian dibebaskan dari nilai. Meskipun demikian, baik kepribadian (personality) maupun karakter berwujud tingkah laku yang ditujukan kelingkungan sosial, keduanya relatif permanen serta menuntun, mengerahkan dan mengorganisasikan aktifitas individu.
Individu yang berkarakter baik atau unggul adalah seseorang yang berusaha melakukan hal-hal yang terbaik terhadap Tuhan YME, dirinya, sesama, lingkungan, bangsa dan negara serta dunia internasional pada umumnya dengan mengoptimalkan potensi (Pengetahuan) dirinya dan disertai dengan kesadaran, emosi dan motivasinya (perasaannya).

Sifat adalah tingkah laku yang tetap pada seseorang dan bisa diukur melalui apa yang ditunjukkan oleh seseorang, watak adalah strukur batin manusia yang tampak pada tingkah laku dan perbuatannya, yang tertentu dan tetap sedangkan karakter merupak wujud dari tingkah laku seseorang kelingkungannya.

As a lecturer and a student, how we can contribute to develop the research atmosphere for forming an asian community?

Of the various kinds of problems in student research interests, all can be handled since early. It is proposed to re-sensitize the students herself as an intellectual. Without the research, a justification for a theory just to be nonsense. We may go back to try to grow the students' curiosity in various ways:
1.    Motivation from Nearby People
The spirit of the nearest person was to have major implications for the interests of research. It can foster a sense of spirit so that work such as research into a passion which arise in the individual.
2.    Making Study Group Research
As we know a lot of research bodies that have been established. But it is constrained by the exclusivity of the research body because not everyone can get in on it. Students should start from the small research group used for mutual learning and knowing how the actual research. Due to the small-scale study with a group in advance can focus the mind and purpose of the research students.
3.    Making the Research Events
Of the various events presented by the students, the majority of us have only focused on areas of interest and talent. Whereas the research events such as socialization, race or competition takes propagated research that increasingly appears the young researchers who found a valuable knowledge from his research.
4.    Appreciation of Government
Certainly research resulted in a new product called knowledge. Surely this must be appreciated by many people do not except the government. Already many researchers overseas are reluctant to return because of the lack of attention from the government.
The government should make a policy such as subsidies for researchers in conducting his research. Especially if it is a student researcher who needs a budget in doing his research. And if it is beneficial to the lives of many people, the governments should have an obligation to provide bonuses and appreciation to the researchers


Physics has being the most difficult subjects for students, because physics is always associated with mathematics. Studying about physics is not merely know the math, but students are expected to understand the concepts contained in it, write it into the physical symbols, understand the problem and know how to solve them. However, most students have not been able to resolve the problems of physics given by the teacher and not able to respond to what is presented by the teacher. For example, when the teacher provides questions to the students about a concept, students tend to be silent and not able to answer that question. Students having difficulty stimulates memory to remember knowledge gained previously. And when the students put forward ideas, not shown smoothness respond to problems and materials.
Physical education can be interpreted as a form of learning to understand the nature and use of science that has been studied in relation to individual behavior.Physics itself can teach someone to get some physical skills such as being scientific skills and thinking skills. Physics education is also expected to create educational success in delivering community life for more advanced and competitive. These expectations are contained in the national education goals which according to Law No. 20 of 2003 on the national education system, education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, character, and skills required him , community, nation and state. One of the goals of learning physics is to develop the ability to reason in thinking inductive and deductive analysis using the concepts and principles of physics to explain natural events and resolve problems both qualitatively and quantitatively.
To achieve the objectives above various efforts have been made ​​by the government in order to optimize student learning outcomes. One of the government's efforts that have been implemented are the enforcement Unit Level Curriculum (SBC). Students study physics not only learn information about the concepts, facts and the law in the form of a statement of knowledge but also learn about how to acquire the knowledge, means and applied physics at work in the form of procedural knowledge including work habits scientific method and scientific attitude. Not only is it the government has now prepared and is implementing a national curriculum in 2013 with the hope of improving students' thinking skills in order to build student character and emotional students. One part of the thinking ability is the ability to think critically. Critical thinking is one of the many important skills in thinking that must be possessed by students because critical thinking will make a person prone to proceed and use the information to find the solution of a problem. Critical thinking dispose that influence the success not only in teaching, learning and other things, but also control ourselves and approach with others (Kawashima, et.al, 2007: 188). Therefore, the ability to think critically is one of the basic capital or intellectual capital is very important for everyone.
In relation to the ability to think in particular the critical thinking skills of government has been to integrate learning across the curriculum in 2013 with a scientific approach and some learning models. And at the same time cooperate with educational researchers in developing learning models that can be applied to a wide variety of subjects.
The efforts undertaken by the government is good, but in fact the government's efforts have not been sufficient and able to optimize students' critical thinking skills.Various learning models that have been used in study of physics is also not optimally in optimizing students' critical thinking skills. This is due in particular teachers in physics most are still implementing the learning tends to be behaviorism, which is concerned with the transfer of knowledge by teachers against students who are not in line with the lesson plan. So that students are not able to receive the material as a whole and learning physics was less marked, so it can not cultivate the ability to think, move / work and behave and communicate scientific knowledge gained by the students.
In order to optimize the critical thinking skills, students should be confronted with problems which are designed in the context of everyday life of students, so that students are able to find out for himself while constructing their own knowledge they have acquired through the experience that student. Not only that students must also be involved in digging and asking, activity and determine, collect data and analyze and draw their own conclusions. Students are given freedom in constructing / building knowledge / thoughts and findings during the activity so that students conduct themselves with a carefree, fun and highly motivated (Amin in Khoiliyah, 2006). In this regard, it takes a mature model that is conceptually ready to be implemented. One model of learning mature conceptually ready to be implemented and can facilitate the development of students' critical thinking skills is the generative learning model, combined with hands-on based learning activity. Theoretical base contextual learning science is nothing but the theory of constructivism. The principle of constructivist theory is "activity must always precede analysis". This is why looking for generative learning based learning combined with a hands-on activity.
Model generative learning based on hands-on activity can train students to construct his own knowledge based on new experiences or events associated with the knowledge that he already has a way to gather information and ask, move and find, collect data and analyze and draw their own conclusions that can help students to develop their creativity, to foster the ability to think, move / work and behave and communicate scientific knowledge gained by the students can be optimized through practical activities.


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